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Spring Seminar 2025: May 18-20, Savannah, Georgia

NAFTZ Spring Seminar 2025 will again this year feature educational tracks for Grantees, Operator/Users, Advanced Professionals, and NAFTZ's Fundamentals of FTZ course.

The topics below will be filled through NAFTZ's new CALL FOR SPEAKERS and PRESENTATIONS process.  The NAFTZ Program Committee will determine speakers for all sessions below from submissions received to speak on these topics.  The Program Committee welcomes anyone with knowledge or experience on these topics to submit an overview of their proposed session to be considered for the 2025 Spring Seminar Program.

Here are the steps to be considered:

  1. Review the topics and content guidelines from the NAFTZ program committee below.
  2. For each session you'd like to be considered as a speaker for, prepare a submission for the Call for Speakers and Presentations.  Each submission will need to include:
    • Your presentation title
    • A brief paragraph summary (up to 300 words) of your proposed presentation
    • A complete list of co-presenters or panelists (including yourself) and basic information about each (Name, email, designations and company/organization affiliated with).  Each co-presenter / panelist will be sent an email from the Oxford Abstracts system which will request each to submit separately a brief bio, prior speaking experience, etc.
    • Three learning objectives that session attendees will take away from attending your session
    • Session information such as target audience, experience level, materials to be shared with participants, if the content has been presented elsewhere, etc.
  3. Go to
    1. Create a new account in Oxford Abstracts.  Please note - NAFTZ log-in information is NOT connected to Oxford Abstracts and you will need to have a separate account log-in for Oxford Abstracts.
    2.  Enter your submission information. Oxford Abstracts does allow you to return to your submission to make amendments, additions or changes. However, you must first submit information in all required fields, keeping in mind that you can return to update your submission later. All submissions need to be fully completed by the November 13th deadline.
  4. Note the Call for Speakers and Presentations deadlines:
    • Session submissions for consideration deadline:  Wednesday, November 13th
    • Outcome notification deadline:  Tuesday, December 31st (or sooner if possible)

IMPORTANT - NAFTZ Speaker & Moderator Policy

NAFTZ is a non-profit professional association, providing educational events for professional development purposes only and may not be used for promotional or sales purposes of any kind.  Submissions that are of a sales nature or approach will not be accepted.

The program committee seeks well rounded sessions to include a variety of perspectives from session speakers, thus should there be multiple presenters on one topic session, the speakers should not all be from one firm.

For presentation materials, PowerPoint slides, handouts, etc. provided to attendees, all must use only NAFTZ provided templates, images or event branding with no company logos included.

Please review NAFTZ's Speaker/Moderator Policy here.  You will be asked to confirm that you have read and understand these guidelines when submitting for the Call for Speakers.


NAFTZ believes this new process will better enable our Program Committee to identify new speakers, provide the opportunity present at our in-person events to all members and constituents, and help us to continue to deliver high-quality content and information to our attendees and members.  Anyone interested in presenting is highly encouraged to submit a proposed session though the Call! 

Monday, May 19, 2025


10:30am-11:30am OPERATORS/USERS Track:  FTZ Inventory Discrepancies & Reporting: A Deep Dive

  • Desired content:  Review CBP rules regarding identifying and reporting inventory discrepancies (overages, shortages, damage, etc.) in a UIN/FIFO tracking methodology, including ways to mitigate and investigate solutions.
  • Suggested content:  Expand topic with real-world examples, case studies, stories, etc.
  • Suggested skill level:  Intermediate
GRANTEE Track:  Advanced Annual Report Preparations

  • Desired content:  Review In-depth the data required from operators for movement of merchandise, Understand how to report value added and other data elements, Explore tips to ensure timely report submissions from operators.
12:40 pm-1:40pm OPERATORS/USERS Track:  CBP Zone Compliance Reviews - what to expect. 

  • Desired content:  Explore issues CBP is focusing on with current CBP Zone Reviews.
  • Suggested content:  Perspectives from FTZ operators and users around the country.
  • Suggested content:  The concept of identifying some of the more common CBP review findings may be valuable.
  • Suggested content:  CBP expectations on inventory management / best practices in this area
  • Suggested skill level:  Intermediate
GRANTEES Track:  All About Production

  • Desired Content: Learn what is required by manufacturers to apply for production authority
  • Desired Content: Define what does a Grantee need to know about production authority & equipment/machinery
GRANTEE Track:  Advanced Marketing Techniques 

  • Desired content Explore creative resources to generate FTZ leads.
  • Suggested skill level Advanced

Tuesday, May 20, 2025

10:20am-11:20am OPERATOR/USERS Track:  The Life Cycle of an FTZ Widget

  • Desired content:  Understand and visually trace the lifecycle of a commodity from arrival at port, movement to FTZ, receiving/admission into an FTZ, storage in inventory, and then the various disposition scenarios from the FTZ (sale, shipment, transformation, scrap, destruction, etc.) including various CBP reporting and compliance/data touchpoints.
  • Suggested skill level:  Beginner/Intermediate
11:30pm-12:30pm OPERATORS/USERS Track:  In-Bonds: Capitalizing on the Program & Remaining Compliant

  • Desired content How the in-bond program underpins the inbound and certain outbound benefits in an FTZ, including important details about responsibilities/timeframes and how the various in-bond parties can remain compliant and avoid penalties and liquidated damages.
  • Suggested skill level:  Intermediate
ADVANCED Track:  First Sale & FTZ

  • Desired content: “First Sale” as a valuation structure that can help lower your overall duty cost if properly implemented and maintained. 
  • Desired content:  The requirements, ongoing compliance aspects, and how it can benefit an FTZ and your customers operations.
  • Desired outcome: Understanding of this duty opportunity; the risks, benefits, and pitfalls; and how to present the issue to management.
ADVANCED Track:  CBP Who's Who - Stay in the Know & Understand Who does that Role

  • Desired content:  How to find out who your contacts (ABI, etc.) in relationship to your FTZ
  • Desired content:  How to get in touch with key contacts (ABI rep, etc.)
  • Desired content: Other CBP resources to get your questions answered

The program committee members will evaluate submissions on the following criteria:

  • Learning objectives
  • Session design including any interactive learning elements
  • Speaker(s) experience and knowledge of the subject matter
  • Speaker(s) presenting experience
  • Overall session quality and alignment with desired session content


Questions?  Comments?  Contact NAFTZ VP of Events, Victoria Cartwright or NAFTZ President Jeff Tafel or call the NAFTZ office at 202-331-1950.

To respond to the Call for Speakers and Presentations and submit your proposed session, review the information at the top of this page and then visit to apply!